Slow response times

Between 1:12 PM and 1:32 PM high CPU usage on one of the webservers caused an increase in response times for some requests. No failed requests were recorded.

Delay in sending email

Technical issues prevented certain emails from being sent in a timely manner. Once rectified, all emails were successfully sent within 16 hours. Note that rectifying the issue caused a small

Intermittent performance issues

MYP experienced intermittent performance issues throughout the day. The root cause of these issues is still being investigated, however, the team is working hard to find a resolution and prevent

Infected file

Our team noticed and quickly resolved an infected file on our domain. We can confidently confirm that no personal, identifiable or login information was affected. Please note that our

Increased system load

MYP experienced an increase in system load between 1:15 PM and 3:15 PM which resulted in slow response times and increased errors. The team are making changes to the system

Intermittent performance issues

MYP experienced some intermittent performance issues between 11:50 AM and 12:30 PM. This was the result of high load on the system. To alleviate database stress, GENIUS will now query

Access issue

Some users were unable to access the MYP system between 3:34 PM and 3:39 PM due to a technical issue. The cause of this issue has been identified. The team

Network provider issues

Our hosting provider experienced some intermittent technical issues outside of our control between 3:07 PM and 3:17 PM. The issue appears to be resolved, but the team will continue to

Intermittent performance issues

MYP experienced some intermittent performance issues between 2:39 PM and 4:10 PM. The root cause is being investigated by our team, but site performance has returned to normal. The MYP

HelloSign external outage

HelloSign experienced technical issues outside of our control. Formal signatures in GENIUS and formSPACE were temporarily unavailable during this period. The issue appears to be resolved, but the team will